The kings you see in the video are just big puppets... The three actual kings rode on horses with their own entourages of soldiers and other floats. The three kings were from the three ancient kingdoms of the world from that time: (more or less) Europe, Asia, and Africa. It was really kind of funny and interesting, because most of the people had a favorite king. I talked to one of my professors, and she told me that she had liked one of them since she was a little girl. Just because. Maybe he gave her the most gifts of all the kings... I don't know.
Abby and I were lucky to have her brother Rob stay with us until the 18th of January. He went back to continue his travels in Asia. His incredible journey has already led him through Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. He's seen mountains, volcanoes, seas, cities, incredible people, and some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Check out his website if you're interested: he is Roaming Rob at If you're reading this, Rob, good luck, sauwadeeeee, and we hope to see you later this summer back home in North Dakota (dry season / tornado season).
Rob, Abby, and I played a game (introduced to us by Abby's family) called Bananas. Imagine it as a kind of Bananagrams--anagrams with bananas. Basically you make words with letters in crossword style. It's a very fun game that causes lots of spirited debate... what is a word, and what is not? We ended up playing every game with the internet at our side linked to It was still difficult to decide some words, however, and it generally came down to a vote every time.
My personal favorite word, or attempted word, I should say, was one of Steve's (Abby's dad): rainboy. He tried to explain that it was Rainman's son. The scary part was how at that moment he reminded me of my dad... trying to bamboozle everyone at family games! Sorry guys! I know you both read this.
We took some more pictures of the city (some of the coolest so far, I must say) and enjoyed the unusually warm weather we've been having in Logrono this January. Honestly, for the past four days, we've had mid 50s to 60 degree weather during the middle of the day... and the nights haven't been all that cold either. We've been told that it frosts nearly every night during this time of year, but it hasn't been. Everyone is, of course, happy with the warm weather, but they're also a little unsure because (as we from the States know) a little warm weather in the middle of winter is just a tease. That being said, I think that you folks back home could use a tease or two about now... I've seen the temps, and they're not pretty--though pretty good for conversation.
Take care everyone! Hope you're not cursing us and our lovely weather too badly. You can always come visit, you know!