I went to lovely Salamanca in the south of the autonomous community of Castilla y Leon for a weekend with my friends Isabella (from Germany) and Cesarina (from Italy). We were really lucky and had great weather one of the days, bright sunny skies and temperatures in the 60s; not bad for half a month before the first day of spring.

Salamanca is most famous for its university, which is ancient old (founded in 1218). It's housed within huge gothic palaces, like the one in this picture. The city has a large number of students, many of them coming from all over Europe and the U.S.

We went tapas crazy when we were there, going out once every day during our stay. The picture above is of 'costillas', which are ribs.

Here's a nice view of Salamanca from across the Tormes River. The Romanic bridge is the old entrance to the city, full of Romanic architecture. The big cathedral is actually two churches combined together. The older cathedral on the right is Romaneque, and the larger on the left is newer and Gothic.

Here's a tapa we had called 'jeta', which is similar to something called 'morro', which is literally the face of the pig. Mmmm...

The Plaza Mayor, the 'Main Square', is Salamanca is one of the most beautiful in Spain. It's a hot spot for students and tourists and Salmantinos alike congregate there to take in the sun and the relaxing atmosphere. There are many cafes, restaurants, and shops in the square that used to be a the bullfighting ring. Concerts are other big events are usually held in the Plaza Mayor, which is said to be able to fit 20,000 people.

Here we are, Isabella on the left, Cesarina in the middle, and me on the right. We're on top of the cathedral looking out over the city.

We're sitting in the Plaza Mayor at night.

We shared tapas and tried to order different things. There are potatoes on the left, bread and goat cheese in the middle, and Spanish mushrooms (setas) on the right, accompanied by good old Spanish cervezas (cañas con limon para las chicas).

Here I am standing in front of the towers of the new cathedral.
Hey, the pig face looks really good. Actually, the mugs of beer look pretty inviting as well. I thought you were in wine country?? It's starting to warm up here. Maybe we'll start to look like you do there. I'm tired of my winter overcoat. Good blog. Hope this week's trip is just as good. Love ya, DAD
Nice pictures, Ben. It looks like a beautiful big city with lots of great architecture-a common theme thru out Spain, really. It is good to see you are out touring and enjoying some nice weather. We are back from 2 weeks of golfing in Arizona. I was less than 2 inches from my first hole in one Ben!! It didn't drop, but my golfing buddy's were impressed. Emi had a very good experience in Costa Rica. You'll have to chat with her about her trip. See you Ben
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